i have nothing but stupidity for a brain
i think its being in love
and spring and all that
suffering and bliss
there IS a deepening of reflection lately
and a concurrent magnetism
so that is useful--
returning to the muse
i am grieving in a way
and still insisting on living life to its fullest
strange new dialogues
the cia guy getting caught
trying to give al qaeda fisslie material
for the next false flag catastrophe
the truth of things is becoming obvious
to much of the world
the US shadow government
at the end of its empire
chasing 22 year olds
around and around their littlest finger
is of no use
but i continue
a vaguely humorous cartoon character called
changes his look and hair every week
thinks he's some kind of philosopher
has vastly underachieved in this life
by any measurable
Next blog:
Was Mom's family Illuminati?
i'm glad there are older stoners in the world
my age at least
there is a shared understanding
of pleasure
and laughter
by most people who get into weed
or beer
that's why i am not interested
in anything else
too heavy and serious
okay i admit
one way or another
i am ready for some serious hallucinating
where these imaginings of the better world
i have lived for all my life
come somehow