i have decided i enjoy more
living with a positive attitude
however realistic such optimism may prove
as part of my consciousness practice
negativity doesn't serve me
no matter how realistic
so last night i prayed simply
for the first time in a while
it felt very good
i had felt at the end of my rope
for a few days
stressed over the world
and personal matters
with a jackal attached
i slept well
and woke refreshed
for the first time in days
maybe weeks
sleep is important
so is proactivity
there is a subtle Universal law
that moves around sometimes
which states unambiguously
that the state of my consciousness matters
as do my choices
(despite all programming to the contrary)
in determining what is created
on this Earth
i found this space of consciousness today
enhanced by momentarily losing it
yet having committed to a meditation
whereby I was going to remain conscious
I was able to reconnect again
in the next breath
consciousness for me along with this meditation
also calls for observing the reality "out there"
and therein lies both koan and solution
twice today while riding my bike
make that three times
and once after arriving at the cafe
i felt an adrenalinized reaction to others' behaviors
an anger at what i was projecting was others'
unconscious aggression
one of the times
i heard a jackally label
enunciating itself under my breath
toward a car driver
somehow i remembered
to move on to the next breath
and thought
it could well be a kinesthetic sensitivity
to the shift in my sense of well being
that woke up my desire to choose
the next breath
or prayer energy
or the grace of empathy practice
all of which are related
I simply remembered
that essential lesson of proactivity:
I am in charge of how I respond to the world!
I may be bone tired
but as long as I am alive
and possibly beyond that
I have a say
I have this moment
to awaken
with the choice
to return to consciousness
a lightness came over me
and I was able to immediately
see things differently:
oh - this and this happened
and i don't need to take it personally
and that changes everything for me
it's the same for dealing with jealousy
possessiveness and any other projection
we might stumble into
oh that person had their thing going on
a need for this or that
freedom or self-expression
ease and flow
amidst a world that is more crowded
than it was when i was growing up
there are gravy bonuses to this movement
the empathy that arises
in realizing that i have the same needs
and was right in the same field as they were
wanting to assert myself in motion
on the road
different strategies to meet a similar need:
me on the bike, they in their motorized vehicles
don't need to lead to conflict
yet it takes a nearly polyamorous appreciation
of the Beloved in others
to reach this quality of empathic satisfaction
in everyone
or in other words
loving one's enemies
and thy neighbor as thyself
there is more
utilizing that adrenaline
by appreciating the chi it stirs up
enjoying it
allows us to grow in our stature
literally in our posture
an immediate momentary yoga
transforming aggression into joy
i think this practice is somewhat familiar
to dominant people particularly
yet it certainly can be done
even more fulfulling-ly
with benevolent intention
toward the greatest good
for all
when i observe some of the novel unfoldments
on the Earth
consciousness is an important practice
in the face of radiation increases
the insanity of wars that haven't ended
blatant greed and corruption
like the marketing of water
and massive mortgage document forgeries
forcing unjust evictions
to name but a couple
we can continue to develop our practices
to expand just that much more
the space available for spiritual transformation
and it is this which is the nut
the kernel driving it all deep inside for me
and satisfying my deepest need for
contribution to Life
amidst the seeming immensity of this work
no overwhelm reaches us
for like turtles in the longest of journeys
we arrive on time
remembering to love others
that it is a good day to die
and live
and are reconnected
to a world
that much more beautiful
and reborn
in a smile