Friday, August 27, 2010

Polera versus the ants

The ants were starting to bug me. They were in the sink, and now occasionally I'd encounter one on the bed. I'd asked them once to leave already, but to no avail.

There were a few nesty-looking things right at the doorstep to the studio, and I was planning on having my first guests over for some newfound vegan cuisine. So I thought maybe I could just flush out their hole with some water, so they would get the idea to flow on out of the immediate area.

Well they didn't seem to agree with that idea. And soon it was Polera versus the ants.


It had been that kind of day. Slamming the front end on one of the myriad the lumpy intersections of OB. Awkwardly dropping a two-wheeler full of soy milk while pondering a woman on the next aisle over, and in doing so tweaking my wrist.

I thought internal cleansing was supposed to make things flow more calmly and smoothly afterwards. But then again I thought flushing ants away with the hose was a good idea. It was my landlord who pointed out that the strategy I had employed was generally considered to be the one thing not to do to ants. It pisses them off.

And so it did. No matter how many hundreds I flushed away, thousands arrived to yell WTF! They began climbing en masse up the door jams and into the house. At this point there was nothing to do but fight an obviously losing battle.

I tried paper towels and cloth napkins, before settling on old-socks-as-insecticidal-puppets. I began wiping out hundreds more ants around the door--any I could see--in order to staunch the invasion.

It started getting ugly--less to the visual sense than to the olfactory. Squished ants release a noxious odor, something like wet-dog, but a solid notch above it on the disguting scale. It would linger around the house all night, perfectly available to newly-cleansed human olfactory senses.


Not sure who won that battle. The flow into the house was mostly staunched, while thousands of ants would continue to monitor the doorstep.

Reinforcements would arrive with the landlord's bait traps the next morning. But not before Polera would make a rash and possibly tragic move upon seeing his prized Hopi Blue Corn overrun with more of the tiny black pests.

Yep, the year's first ear of blue corn from the tall stalk got picked. Purple and white, it looked good upon pulling back the fronds, but in hand a relatively immaturity was more apparent. There may be a few kernels viable for next season's planting. The rest of the plant's months-long efforts will likely lead to but the smallest of snacks.


And so I realize that's how cleansing goes. Flushing toxins brings the vibrational level up. This means more life.

I have way more energy...and all the stuff I haven't had the energy to deal with is up. I get the old car towed for $225...and I need to take the new car in to get the alignment checked. My system is so stimulated that I sleep only a few hours at a given time...and I begin to experience lucid dreaming again after many years. I find out the library has changed its hours from the closed side of the door...and I notice the nice green lawn to sit and journal on for a lovely late afternoon hour.

As we wait for the next moment's episode to come around

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