Saturday, October 30, 2010

OB reports

while i never seem to be interested in getting up for halloween's investment of costumedness at this time of year, i understand the usefulness of such an energy spree at precisely the irrational scorpionic time of year to disperse fear of the coming winter

here where i boogie surfed the ocean yesterday in 70 degree temps, there is no cold to shock us, only longer nights along with the conundrum of giving notice on my place tomorrow without a clear plan forward

yesterday i longed for just some land in new mexico to garden on, today i think maybe continued detachment from the ravages of my hyper-rational mind is the first task, and possibly a van to follow

the reason being that acting out of fear tends to generate the circumstances the fear is already projecting, and thus it is essential to distinguish heading-toward-a-garden from heading-for-the-hills

the project of helping to unfold a miracle of transformation amidst a beachfront of runaways with bedrolls may be too ridiculous to pass up

not to mention the previous absurd proposition of making it amidst this urban chaos with these hands and a fiddle

at least it continues the journey beyond my own head, into a world calling forth the very empathic response i seek to abide in

along with a journey of documentation i might accomplish right here, beyond reuters, until the movie comes out

for now, if you want to see where i hang out, try where for half a minute you can move around a camera to see the ocean, beach, pier, the parking lot my friends hang out in, bedrolls on the grass

and possibly a familiar rusty red bike cruising by

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