Friday, September 30, 2011

Josie also heads out

One of the reasons I enjoy the dying process is that it puts the world in its place. There is inherently found time for the natural grieving process, one of the experiences that humanizes us on a core level, offering its own unique gifts and teachings. We are allowed quiet time to console, and to consider, how we might be of compassionate and practical service to one another.

Josie has followed Rambo, so now the household I am a part of has buried both their dogs of 15 years this week. I am extremely honored to be a part of their passing, as I spent time with and also cared for the dogs the last few years. Josie was the quieter of the two, the more private dog. As such I am allowing more space for my friends to grieve this familial loss.

Josie had weakened hips that made walking tough the last year or two. I imagined her spirit happy today, saying something like, thank God I was freed from the suffering body to journey onward, and thank Rambo for showing how this transformation was possible. There are great soul lessons our pets offer us in their unconditional love, so who can say--maybe to each other too.

So today is a quiet journey around here, a little tea and a little more tea, as we take time to wonder on all this being here one moment and then somehow not.

Blessed journey pup--


  1. Your writings make me think that Rambo and Josie are your teachers and your guides.

  2. Something like that--I find a lot of reassurance from those who have gone before...
