Sunday, February 12, 2012

finca scenery

This is the backyard, looking out toward neighbor Don Diego´s land on the hill. You can see the rectangular water tank below, and further on, the circular tank which is intended as a tilapia pond.

the scrap pile out front

Malanga grows as a volunteer where there is water. The starchy roots makes an enjoyable addition to stews, and are also served on their own like a sweet potato.

This is an herb known as Yerba Santa, or alternately as Santa Maria,
prized for the flavor it adds to soups and stews.

un dinosaurio que come un pescado

It looks to me like the chicken coop is made of bamboo. They are let out daily to forage for a couple hours, and produce delicious eggs.

A stack of four solar panels provides plenty of electricity for lights,
radio and charging electronics.

The lush canopy on the part of the property below the house leads to a bosque.

front entrance


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