Saturday, May 5, 2012

the Real

Do Russians really read this blog?

It occurs to me today that the reason the powers of violence must act in secret is that they are rooted in abstraction, and as such have no direct business in the Life on the Earth. The original religions are based on sound, and as such maintains a direct connection to vibrational reality. The codifications, with fine intent, paved the way for abstraction to begin. From there, a secret doorway was found by those who were most jealous with the frustrations of their lives' encounters. And from their hidden place, they could enact their revenge.

There has been little to stand in the way of this most immature of moralities, once it was discovered that violence power could apparently smash out life itself, with no immediate penalty amidst the karmic workings of time. But of course the Universe has its own holistic power, through the long arc of time which indeed more than bends toward justice.


The question I have recently asked is being answered. I have been concerned with my lack of political clarity, between Libertarianism, Progressivism, and New Age non-politic. I want progress, as it matches my heart's desire and that of those I most respect. I appreciate liberty, as it sets the record straight on the history and cause of things. But it is the new age approach, as unlikely as it seems, which again wins the day.

It is not enough for me to just say it is all a matter of vibratory quality, that is too diffuse an explanation. There must be courage to stand in the REAL, to answer each antagonism by discovering its complementary nature. It is a kind of empathy, minus indulgent softness.

Libertarians rightly point out we have lost the driving principle of personal sovereignty on which this country was based. But progressives rightly point out that this principle was unjustly limited to white male landowners, and as such was immoral. Progressives rightly point out that we need to move forward from the heart in empowering everyone equally. But libertarians rightly point out that progressive causes have more often than not fed into the plans of the hidden leaders manipulating events behind the scenes, which progressives have unwisely dismissed.

The truth is that the abstractions of the Declaration and Constitution, which libertarians point to, were progressive documents. Yet because they were abstractions, paved the way for subsequent manipulations, which have devolved society to this day. Both movements remain caught in their own projections.


As I've aged, particularly in the last couple of years, my sense of competence is diminishing.

I am not a natural farmer--no green thumb, minimal intuition for the land, lacking upper body strength. I can throw boxes around or check people's groceries, but have no patience for the politics and self-flagellation of management. My teaching skills, relative to NVC or men's work or any other field I've engaged in, are erratic: I find I would almost always rather be with the living moment than dictate an agenda onto it. My acupuncture skills are long-faded, and were limited anyway; retooling in the field would cost tens of thousands of dollars. Music is no way to make a living, and my interest wanes in everything except the pot-infused polyrhythms, the lifestyle for which I cannot maintain due to subsequent mood swings.

In spiritual affairs, I have apparently not achieved much. My chi is not powerful, my chanting practice has not enlightened me, and I have not become an magnetic tantrika. I am lucky to remember to meditate in odd moments. I have not detached from the system, and feel guilt for continuing to pay taxes to an illegal warmongering government. I still use their phony money, and drive a noisy metallic petroleum-consuming beast, for which I will get a new license next week containing an ID chip.

A revolutionary friend in Nicaragua encourages me to fight for social benevolence. Yes, I marched in some parade the other day. But beyond this, and a few facebook emails to Congress-fools, I don't know what to do. How do I explain to my friend that the USA has been a corporation, and not a nation, since at least 1933? How do I explain the abstract manipulations of central banking which has consumed so much of the world in poverty and war and environmental degradation? I can't even explain it to my liberal American friends using English!


Yet somehow amidst all this I feel tremendous lightness as of late. It may be the blue skies that have been seen over Santa Fe the last four days, the likes of which are reminiscent of the 1980's. Is it possible all the liens and suits against the corrupt pseudo-masters have de-funded the aerosol spraying campaign? I don't even believe in all that, but I have enough friends who do that I do watch the skies. And the last few days, the skies are different.

It could be I am learning, or more accurately re-learning, how to interact with the REAL.


Nicaragua was great in that regard, with few overlays of any ideological nonsense to get lost in. 2 1/2 months of hard labor, illness, partying, insects, and trying to find a ride somewhere were honestly a muddle of experience. I realized yesterday that what was missing from the experience was that last month, in which I had planned to take a retreat for spiritual renewal. When insects interrupted that plan, I was left to fend for myself amidst subsequent massive food poisoning, diminished social capacities, and dwindling money. It was a tough month. But now I remember that my original plan was a good one. And I am just catching up on that stuff now.

By bicycling to work, or walking as I have today, I am strangely delighted. It is partly the endorphins, partly the sense of agency engendered, partly just the fresh air and growing trees. I eat fruit for breakfast in the yard, before heading to the cafe for tea. I am slightly tormented by the beautiful, unreachable, fertile females I encounter at work. There are moments of drudgery. I have lost a couple friends lately due to mutual impatience with intrusions upon one another's rhythms. Yet, I've grown closer to other friends.

There is fruit on the trees this year. And I feel grateful, actually joy, in little things like finding a bike rack.Yesterday I picked up a housemate's book on kundalini yoga. It spoke a great deal on breathing. I enjoyed how it reminded me of the simple clear teachings I have been exposed to over the years, through macrobiotics among other practices. And so I've begun again on this path. Maybe I had begun on it in the last few days, and this realization of it has found me.

I am confident that this is the path of growing strength and clarity. As I continue to shun drinking and other chi-dispersing activities, I feel a little stronger and more aware each day. The REAL has magnificent and quiet power to transform everything.


I am here to shine a light on everything. If there is activism to be done, it is the documenting of the crime of war, in exposing it to the light of day. And the documenting of the failures of retributive justice, the mass imprisonment of Americans, particularly for victimless crimes.

I have no stomach for the abstraction of law, only the one great Universal law, which follows upon the one great Universal prescription of Yogic-chi Source-dwelling Life-breathing Now.

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