Friday, November 13, 2009

autumny day reflections

having loosed myself from laptop ownership
and its concomitant basement-chaining existence
i find myself at the local internet cafe on this autumny day
my thoughts and writings infused instead
by red and yellow leaves hanging on branches
whose grey-brown growth patterns are soon to be fully revealed
by winter's denuding

grey skies' quiet provide a psychic nest
where thoughts of grand conspiracy
so natural to italian existentialists
blend seamlessly with the leaf-blower and fence-constructor
working through their mornings in my neighborhood

after five consecutive days
unloading and stacking milk crates in the morning
and community building in the evening
i have granted myself a day of rest

i celebrate joining the board of directors
for nonviolent communication in new mexico
muse on the next practice group at the peace & justice center
and the initiative to teach at healthcare for the homeless
which i have also agreed to

as well as a new inspiration in restoratve justice circles
and the hope this model provides
for actually listening to others' needs in the community
and offering a space to empower actions for meeting them

i don't know if any of this is ever enough
but it offers solace that i am doing something
other than paying taxes to fund an endless war against made-up enemies

and in measure offers some balance to the current life's portrait:

community supporter
milk crate stacker

savory leaf walker

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