autumn beauty being reported by several friends at this time, life coming into balance, as we get to take a few breaths and get on top of things, whether it be our woodpiles or our dream-lives
i wonder if sudden early freezing snow kind of gets our attention, prompting us to organize for coming winter, after which all of this summery warmth and autumnal color seems just such a luxurious bonus
still have not spoken with korea, while it is nice to have options, i am feeling a relaxed sustainability here, as i settle into middle age, with work moving into a more satisfying flow providing exercise and money for saving, and the economy holding out another day, i feel in no rush to tromp across the ocean to teach english
last little sf marimba group performance of the year on the 20th, then it's time off from the weekly commutes, as the weather and dark arrive, leaving more space for holidays, beard growth and napping

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