Sunday, June 5, 2011

reality check

Frustration has lifted. I am no longer beating myself up. I don't know how to put things poetically, but I've been in a better place the last two days. I think I have cleared out some toxicity. And I have been keeping my attention on the here and now.

I have found the most meaning in letting go not only of obsessing over struggles, but in letting go of the beautiful visions and hopes that have caused more suffering than anything--when I find I cannot afford them, when I realize they are not happening, etc. Life is better without hope. Sartre's No Exit exactly.

There is greater freedom without desire.

I've even begun to become curious of how the real conundrums will resolve. There is satisfaction in dealing with reality. That's the scoop.

1 comment:

  1. Read some astrological postings for last Wednesday, when there was a partial solar eclipse at the North Pole. Next month's partial solar eclipse at South Pole. Maybe this is all about bringing in some balance?

    I've had times when I felt unable to move in my paralyzing bouts of feeling hopeless. Instead of looking at my frozen periods of lethargy as being depressed, I like to think that I am having some much needed downtime. At those times, I can actually feel my cells doing something like a computer will do: I am defragging my hard drive so that I can accept new information.

    We are entering a new information period of time. If you were defragging, you will better accept the next level of information that is coming your way.

    There is greater freedom without desire.

