Friday, June 17, 2011

whinin boy blues

i used to be a superhero
no one could hurt me not even myself
but you were like a phone booth that i somehow stumbled into
now look at me i am just like everybody else
--Ani DiFranco, Superhero

things have changed for me
and i don't know how personally to take it

it could be that chasing a confused 22 year old
for six months has taken its toll
and now i no longer have any confidence
when considering what i might want from a relationship
or where my instincts might lead me

it could be that living in the van for a month
and not eating or brushing my teeth so regularly
showed me how delicate my constitution is

how much it takes to maintain the infrastructure of this body
six months to just begin to catch up to where i was
after just one or two months of neglect

i would love to be one of those guys
who just goes off to plant trees in the forest for a year
and i may yet try

but do i just let the other teeth fall out too

when will i learn to act my age
stay locked into the deadening normalcy
of a decent job that gives me no reflections
that being an artist is in any way okay
that thoughts of paradigm shifting have any value whatsoever
that there is any value in connection to the Earth
or native cultures or pagan roots of any kind

i dunno

zen works great when i'm at work
not thinking makes sense amidst a structure
that makes no sense

but at home with no strucutre
nothing to do nowhere to go and noone to see
not thinking is just idiotic
leaving me not knowing wtf to do with myself

things have changed

i just don't know what my life is for anymore
and i don't think npr is going to tell me

what happened to the revolution
the deep ecology movement

when did i last dance or travel abroad
attend an empathy or men's group
explore tantra or polyamory
or something else new and exciting

money is a weird trade i'm not sure if i can get any further out of

when will someone offer an unexpected idea
or spirit come through with a strange plan

i just can't imagine being interested in meeting anyone new here
i've used weed too much and now i don't know how to be social
without weed enhancing the adventure

and i still miss the ocean and the scene

how do people live in a place where it doesn't rain
for months on end

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