Sunday, October 16, 2011

it's called opening the heart

There is love in the world. In OB, it is THC-driven to a great degree. But I like it anyway. THC-wise, I just like very small doses myself. The remembrance of love, though, that is useful whatever the means. That's what I think.

I have crushes on eleven women right, as far as I can count. They live everywhere, and none of them are realistic in the slightest. Two are just too young, two I don't really know (and are too young), two dancers, a lesbian couple (who would be too young anyway), okay that makes eight but anyway...

I don't believe in realism. The only life I care about anymore is the dream world. The worlds of imagination and intention.

Oh yeah, and hugs.


I like long lazy hugs with stoner gals. I like walking with new acquaintances, or old friends, 'cuz that's just what you do there. Seeing what people are into, talking about transformation as it arises, drinking coffee, and visiting the water. That's OB.

Farmers' market takes over Wednesdays, and tastings rule the day. I ended up unintentionally buying way too much. But it was fun.

Music was good, good for me to play at all again. Remember a couple inspirations. Being inside so much was odd, with a goofy landlady deal going on, and rust being sanded off of railings everywhere all day.

But 50 feet to the steps down to the cliffs, and paths to watch the ocean's sacred moonlit dances with the rocks!

I saw a friend from back when, who owns no shoes and still sleeps on the pier. I made new friends at the coffee shop, and hung with an old one from there too. I unexpectedly saw the young lady I was so in love with last year. It was sweet and unstressful, but I do worry about her health...

I could go on.


It was community for a few days. I don't know if I could afford it out there. I'm already so done with TJs. But I really mean affording the luxuriousness of the lifestyle. I would inevitably smoke too much again, and get all goofed up. Try and improvise. See if I can not burn through my road stake so fast.

I know my work too, or at least I think I do. Why is it so hard to manifest? Is it possible that simply belonging to community is the greatest contribution I can make?

Probably so. It's a good start.

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