Thursday, April 16, 2009


good health today

slept solid and woke well
did ginger compresses on the kidneys
upped the protein and continued the miso soup

unloaded several pallets in the a m
including the shaw wine, water and bags
felt strong throwing the zucchini

no emotional triggering all day
patient with an unstable customer
two hours on the reg with no social-fatigue

even shared a few hugs and handshakes
with friends, acquaintances and an ex
always sweet

and really what more can one ask
it's like Vonnegut would suggest:
let's take a moment and realize
"isn't this nice?"

yesterday wasn't bad
but it's nice to have a completely solid day
good energy enjoying people and the work

try to extend to the whole of week next


now to entertain myself over the weekend

see what the local music scene has going on
explore a newly found bike trail
or otherwise get outside

alas the garden may be hopeless
soil and site just too uncooperative
maybe make a big planter box and start from scratch

also will be taking care of the landlord
getting to ABQ for a rehearsal and overnight
get a swim, dance, hike or yoga class in

and see what else the world has in store
as I get clear enough to meet it

with some chi

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