Tuesday, June 2, 2009


the flies are thick bodied this year

as thick perhaps as the sound
a cacophanous concert of birdsong

intricate enough to inspire

there must be fifty species of bird
all chattering away in their own
very persistent rhythm

as persistent as a heartbeat
as the life will

gentle only in its unyielding

are these mating calls
or more general cries of delight?

likely support connection


it's good to move apart from Indian woman

it wasn't actually her who (thus)
inspired my shaving

it was an older woman friend
to whom I was also suddenly
a 1970s cartoon character

so I continue to refine my song

often surprised at how ridiculously tough
I am called to be these days
how assertive
I feel I must be to get basic needs met

my face has completely changed
in eight months

how are gentler people surviving?

like birds I guess we find our niche
don't know where the hell mine really is
what is a shaman anyway?

writing's not bad sometimes

and the ravens are bossy too
even the ones missing a few feathers

perhaps especially these

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