has begun
I've been savoring time off in this place
as a final gift of this difficult year of service
perhaps there will be space for a solstice observance yet
amidst the arroyo ambiance
I'll continue to grieve a little
my love for this place
the only place in Santa Fe
I remember feeling at home
is in the sloping nooks
that make up
this soft canyon
years ago
I lived for five years here
in a trailer on blocks
belonging to a couple Okies
who shot at varmints
and made big holes
in which to throw old refrigerators
their old dog used to always follow me down the hill
looking for water to dunk her retriever-self in
and limp and fumble her way back up the hill
for what was undoubtedly
some great nights of doggie sleep
I've been glad to get back here
the Okies and I put up with each other until
it ended rough but nothing unforgivable
just two idiots with tempers
been trying to avoid rough endings to things lately
paying more attention to needs
like for change
this time I was aware enough
to vibe it out
and get a place lined up
before getting myself canned
so I guess that's progress
and if there's one constant piece of wisdom
which seems to apply across situations
it is to gauge one's response to things
chicken cooks
as Cuban music plays
and another night is spent alone
I went out
but couldn't stomach the nightscene tonight
and I was hungry
and it came to me
as I couldn't decide where to go
for just then a hairy young man
cycling like an Italian or Spaniard
maybe a Brazilian
powered across lanes through traffic
reminding me what makes for masculine beauty:
whatever you do
do it with power
and so boldly
I returned home
aren't our decisions made for the sake
consciously or otherwise
of those we have defined ourselves
to be in significant relationship with:
although I knew it was time
for both the landlord and I to move on
I did not give notice or push the conversation
because I have a more primary relationship
with the animals
bushes and wind
of the arroyo

and just when I finally got skype hooked up
in order to develop my relations with family
and was on the technology's fledgling run
and speaking to my eight year old niece
my landlord barged into my house
without invitation
with a need of his
and I was so annoyed and flummoxed
I said I'm busy
which I'm sure was his breaking point
my choice of priorities
being to his dismay
quite obviously the kids
this not coincidentally
has moved me a step closer to
potentially relocating someday
to their New York
by getting me out of Santa Fe directly
and unless God calls me back this way
I consider myself done here
a couple workmates
had their last days today
before transferring across country
good men
one I got a bit close to
through our mutual horror
at the dominance of the reptilian agenda
or something like that
and really this rather absolute conviction
of the world's doom
and not some fluffy new age deal
is what brought me to Santa Fe in the first place
on January 13, 1983
to save the world
by way of practice and
application of the kototama principle
as handed down from ancient Shinto

because even at 19
I knew the world was cooked
doomed beyond rational re-cognition
and that something radical needed to be done
beyond the standard idea of
building some kind of personal life
and having failed at Christianity
I became something of an expert
on an ancient language no one understands
the vibrational order by which
in each moment
humans create the civilizations
of their choosing
until it led to
the psychotic breakdown
of all conventional categories of thought
this commitment
was likely my primary relationship
the ancient Shinto documents
call December 2011
the time of the change
and while like the native prophecies here
they do not define exactly
what we are transitioning to
it has always seemed to me
the real meaning of the end of time
was that there would no longer be
any temporal distance
between action and repercussion
and this could be hell
or heaven really
kind of like the crumbling
financial system
for which supposed historic legislation
was passed
merely to try to create new separations
between action and repercussion
the way of separation
as Sensei called it
for worse
or likely better
is indeed
and we are growing

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