Tuesday, September 8, 2009


one key to life
is clearly

getting and allowing
one's nervous energy to work for you

our thoughts are nervous energy
in a certain form

our bodily movements
especially coordination
but affecting strength and posture directly

are directed nervous energy

in music as well as in life
one's breathing and heartbeat



i've been aware of my clumisness
in the last couple years

it's not real noticeable to others
but it's a serious determinant
to my personality

i am about as high-energy
as humans come

and as oft-injured


i have realized
i am one of those who
benefits from
a certain level of pain

there are many of us

now i am looking to decide
the best format
for this odd
healing work

rossiter work
the most obvious holistic form

my kinky new girlfriend
the other


i am apparently variable

an interesting development
in my personality in recent years

corresponding with my increased desire
to dominate in the workplace

which despite apparent position
i can claim some achievement

excepting the regional manager
who is a split personality
misterrogers mafioso

to an extent
even i cannot fathom

what is his justice


that's what's funny about life
i am no less a s***bag
than i ever was

or anyone else may be

i just found some submission
along the way
to something higher which i serve

and the result
is exactly what the christians call



so now i get to play
games of top and bottom

alpha male pursuits
heart attacks
bliss and insight

while remaining true
to a more purposeful mission

expressing the nervous energy

by moving within a new vortex
an awesome adventure

where duende arises
form is rearranged
love rules

and there is healing
through the essence of pain

an earth-love music-body adventure
an earthbody lovemusic
an earthmusic bodylove

also known as


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