Wednesday, May 5, 2010


i'll tell you a secret

i walked back down to the beach last night
with mandolin strapped to my back

and with the beach to myself
got high

speaking mandolin-infused poetry
to my beloved



i reflected on the warrior and the lover within

the disillusionment expected
on time and necessary

to remain unattached to the delusions
of the world

and then i walked with my mandolin
knee deep into strangely warm ocean waves

amidst darkness


such a reminder
of the commitment to bring medicine
through this life and world

whether pagan or tantric
massage or shamanic
hallucinogenic or chi
sound poetry or music

and without demand
but as an answer to the question

what better game is there to play?


then i remembered who i am

as i remembered Great Spirit
and all the benevolent mentors and allies

including the waves who like us rise up
in a brief and sparkling moment of individual existence

after journeying thousands of miles to find ourselves

expressing a universally unique shape and song
as we exhaust ourselves onto the shore

and before receding into the Whole
the moment suspended in an absolute extension of reach

play with the poets
we might laughingly meet

at the shoreline

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