Wednesday, September 15, 2010

abundant words from planet OB

well hello again
from planet OB

the end of the road
surrounded by military bases
a bay
and a thousand miles of ocean

i jumped in the water again today
with legit shorts on

I wanted to run
in shallow water
up to my knees

you P90X guys should try it

and then I just had to
dive under a couple of
58 degree


I am watching events unfold
as they may

I had given up actually
on ever deciphering the Kototama principles

and lo
what'dya know
here comes the paradigm shift

strange miracles
synchronicities shimmering through
right on time

a floating rainbow bridge
between heaven and Earth

these chakras
all manifesting, lighting up, turning on


such divine wisdom
these ancient human technologies


which Ken says built the pyramids
which makes perfect sense

along with each of us bringing
our individual medicine

often hard-won
through facing suffering directly

and the concomitant

to the alleviation found in essential


gratitude practice


the pineal gland
connecting to the heart
connecting to the voice


compassionate leadership

the effort that is in balance
driven by our undeniable collective

to heal into wholeness

bringing of all things
the I (eee) dimension:

the smile
parasympathetically speaking

or according to the sympathetic nervous system
and its more active aspect



these words
remind me to practice
some essential attention
to quality of thinking
and speaking
and heart

when the eee manifests directly
it may come forth as eeeyayeee



and so I hear
the wavelength of most-abundant life

what do you think?


today I spoke with a mentor
a fellow journeyor

whose visceral knowledge
and commitment to shifting things
matches my own

he inspires me
in his fullness of delving into his calling

fired by suffering
facing death directly

he knows exactly what he is doing

and clearly
amidst all this ego
and these ongoing clumsy fuckups

so too I am coming into
this elder wisdom time

fruit-bearing fruition
cobs bearing seed


I saw a butterfly today
one of the yellow ones

with the pointy up-triangle
brown-tipped wings

maybe a monarch?
it was the first one I've seen

I am amazed at how
butterflies abound here

unfolding these contraptions:
ones the worm was sure s/he

would never be found in

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