Friday, September 10, 2010

trying to remember

dreamed i was sitting with a nonspecific trusted female friend
in that comfortable/poetic/platonic way
that sadly has mostly been lost since high school

we were overlooking a landscape of trees
that had attributes of both Long Island
where I lived 19 years

and New Mexico where I lived 25

we were sharing empathic conversation and listening
and I said yeah that's why I stay alive

but I can't remember anything else that was said


amidst the shocking level of spiritual and physical misery
accompanying the return to work
after such a difficult family trip

is it the hope for and belief in paradigm shifting work
that is giving my life and even this shitty job
some meaning?

is it the connection to a larger vision
of a vibrant verdant world?

is it the youthful family members
reminding me of a future
joyfully arriving?

or is it this tentative
easily-distracted heart's
rusty practice of

empathy itself?


the pineal gland
supports tremendous learning
awareness and reconnection to Spirit

yet which chakra makes decisions?

without an open heart
I am arrogant and self-centered

and likely less convincing
amidst such alienation

I can only admire those who can love
those yet capable of bonding

like those who care more about 3000 personal lives
lost nine years ago

than the vast karma
of deception and suffering
foisted upon the world

by demented cowards
like Dick Cheney

who got away with it

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