Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Joyfield Farm

acres of hand-dug organic beds

a colorful array

you could probably eat the soil

but you don't have to--lots of other options!


berry patch

homemade golf course

serious woodpile


sunset over Joyfield Farm

Monday, July 25, 2011

good friends

a lovely evening out at Joyfield farm
where I played music and caught up with good friends
shared really good food and homemade ice cream

amidst berry patches and chickens
a field-turned-golf course for the boys
and acres of hand-dug organic gardens

got some great info for getting library music gigs rolling
which is how these folks make their living
traveling and teaching

they made time tonight
on the porch outside their yurt
before their journey tomorrow to Wisconsin


yesterday I met with an old friend
whose husband had passed last year

they had put me up last time i was in town
five years ago

we shared a moment of grieving
and celebration

i played music with her son-in-law
on her new deck under cicada-laden foliage

and stories began to come forth
amidst the folk music

of the good old days
some laughter and tears

as I saw my friend Mike relax
for the first time since I arrived


these are good days

I have eaten freshly-picked melons
ripe cherries and apricots

peaches are coming soon
and tonight i saw


Sunday, July 24, 2011

back roads

a beautiful morning
meditating in the hills above santa fe
after sleeping under the stars

transendent afternoon
in deep conversation with a dear friend
in the shady grass of the rose park

an evening gathering of community
at the hospital where he got stitched up
after a bike accident on his way home

burque travel prep for the grinding
1200 mile trip through the alienation
of bible-belt billboard unreality

armadillos tossing cornflakes
and oats throughout my car
liberating me from delusions of sleeping
in empty 90-degree midnight campgrounds

additional motel expense
and a speeding ticket
but arriving safely

to the gentle back roads
welcoming cornfields and thick musty smells
of muggy indiana in july

tiny farmers market offering
instant community

which somehow vanishes

a sick friend is suffering
amidst confusion

and great despair

Monday, July 18, 2011

vacation day one: Santa Fe reflections

well not the worst start to a vacation
catching up on correspondence over too much yerba matte

where i saw a facebook notice from a new old friend
inspiring me to head up to santa fe

for a memorial service
for a recently deceased musical friend

i reconnected with several old buddies
in a good way

as we mourned the passing of a very creative soul
who some of them were very close to

and with whom i recall the timeless heart connection
that followed upon a particularly empathic

honest and forgiving conversation


when people asked how i'm doing
i kinda shined them on

how do i describe
how my entire karass

nearly everyone i am close to in this world
is transitioning in seismic ways

preparing to leave this plane
or dramatically reckoning with its increasing density

in hospitals and on the streets
or with blood and brain disorders

why bother to talk about personal dramas
like suffering torn muscles

and miraculous healings that follow?

there is no context for anything
i am currently experiencing


and how can i explain
my immense frustration

that i feel similar to a pipe carrier
of an ancient tradition few people know

that is proving vibrationally precise and powerful
in shifting manifestation around me

and offering healing
but i can barely explain even on a good day

without edging toward mania?


what of my car which will likely
get me nowhere this vacation

disappointing precious hopeful-faced kids
already depressed siblings

dearest friends struggling to survive
and 30-year mentors

seeking my healing input
and who i may never see again?


amidst the familiar faces i see around town
on the plaza and at the railyards

i wonder if perhaps it is part of my dharma
to make grand plans only to have them fall through

perhaps personal or generational karma
is in my way

simple ineptitude
at getting auto repair scheduled

or maybe i just struggle too much
with wanting to escape entirely

from participation in the american war machine nightmare
and the increasingly obvious indictment of the money system

in perpetuating the violence
but try explaining that

to your nine year-old niece

Thursday, July 14, 2011

into the liminal

alright then

so i already committed to see my friend mike
who western medicine has given up on

and his family in indiana

and i similarly committed
in talking to my nephew

and my sister suffering from MS
nearly complete debility now

to visit new york also

and i just couldn't book the flight
i was considering to get it all done

partly out of intuition i think
and partly out of exhaustion

just considering the whole trip


it's hard planning things
amidst the end of time

scheduling gets hectic
and who knows what complexities

the coming economic collapse
will add to any logistics


i know i did feel a definite calling
to attend the ongoing social action

at bohemian grove this coming week
a spiritual calling

to stand with those nonviolently
bringing attention to the world's cheaters

just over in no-cal
so this has become my top priority

it's the right action at the right time
in history

to begin the denouement
to this chapter of

the emperor wearing no clothes


so i've invited a couple friends along

one just sent me readings
of the huge increase in plutonium

recorded recently in california
at odds with my craving

for some nurturing beach and street time
stopping in at OB on the way

get in some camping
including up in the redwoods

maybe seeing the folks
or checking in at Hopiland on the way back

i haven't updated my plans yet with the easterners
since i fantasize that i will still have

vacation time to get back and see all of them
the following week


all the while there's the subtext to the travel
of where i might transfer next

or if it is high time to just wwoof out
on a farm somewhere:

what is the truest calling
and where does yoga fit in?

it seems to me that following the first calling
is the best way to generate

the next


i have given notice on the abq place
for sept 1

so while i don't have to go anywhere
in particular

it doesn't look like
i'm staying here

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


it's time for the panic to kick in
will i get ticketed $10

for remaining in the lot
fifteen minutes too long

and then have to deal with
my inner nazi

who will always pay such nonsense


or do i interrupt myself
move my car around the block

which will give me just enough time
to come back in and pack up

life just is moving too fast for me
these days


i need to quit that stupid job soon
for my health

but can i afford the lack of healthcare


what a stupid world i live in

i am jealous of people hugging
who aren't even in relationship

did ben really have to get down
on all fours for a grope

in the middle of my


there's an alt-country song
in here




i know the world is falling apart
i just can't deal with it right now

i've got plans

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


it is probably high time i revamp this blog
get it connected with some groovy ecological networking

in honor of potlatch ideals
devotional nativism
and the other essential yogas

that call me


i continue saving enough money to travel to water

transition out of the money economy
with all its real estate delusions
of private capital
ownership of land

and the related economy
of apparent separation of phenomena leading to the option of hiding

including time that leads to karma being projected out into the future
leading to violence

impossible within
a natural maturing cultural path

or in the overlords' case
the coming dismemberment of technological structures
across the Earth

right in time to fulfill native prophecies

dismantling capitalist monotheism
and its genocidal foundational error:

that there is such a thing as a separate self
god people race animal tree bug

or whatsoever


maybe I find some graceful arcing movement
with you all

in our floating-bridge pods
of compassion

en route to a global picnic

perhaps just tumble forth
amidst radiological inundation

with patchy hair and falling teeth
hobbled with disability

on my last day here
it is of no matter


welcome to the new conversation
of tantric permaculture

in mutual relationship
with the Heart of the Earth

rainbow lit
marking out the dance-floor

and shining out eternally
through everyone of these

water-connected bags
of magically-manifesting


Sunday, July 10, 2011


i'm not quite autistic

but it is true
i do have trouble bonding with people

i know it is my own shortcoming

yet i think this has long been exacerbated
by living in the desert

where thirst
is never quenched


or is my alienation due to

the prospect of never find meaningful work
amidst an empire

filled with hypocritical violence
and economic injustice

for while the yogic path offers
some promise of integration

and even service

most of my pursuits the last ten years
across this vast continental nation

have been in search of bonding
and fruitless


or is it that when i rest enough
from grinding labor

to find the energies
with which i may participate with

and enjoy others

i must by the design of banking overlords
run out of the money

by which to maintain a semblance of balance
and protection


there is no water here
to dissolve these matters

into solution

what little there was
vanished in the early years

of the 21st century

and with every failure
to connect with others

emotionally intellectually
romantically personally

spiritually philosophically
or ancestrally

a part of me dies
all over again


it is the part that would
ever again

choose to live here
in this barren


Friday, July 8, 2011



i like the idea of a yogic identity
feels like a good fit to me

will it meet my desire
to generate a revolution in society

maybe not

but i wasn't getting far with that


celibacy is treating me well

i've given it all up
all the chasing and hoping

the dependency of my identity
and so on

what a relief
to let go of sex

i feel way more integrated
and even sexual

because i have realized now
what i am looking for

and it is real love
not adolescent sex

and that is an important distinction
for a 48 year old

already i meet more women
because i trust my own intentions

more completely than i now realize
i wasn't


sobriety suits me well also

i haven't been enjoying alcohol much
in recent years

just a big headache
slight nausea and blurriness

and never quite reaching any useful buzz

why bother

recently i saw twice how
it immediately brought a layer of foam

between me and my full presence
and i am no longer interested


staying clean as they say
has been useful

my dreams have returned
by the hundreds every night

bringing some richness
to my otherwise mundane life

yet still if i'm going to waver anywhere
this is likely the place

i don't miss the roughness in the lungs
or the loss of self-control

deteriorating gums and bad driving
losing shit

i miss the laughter some
easy company and better music depth

but mostly what i miss is the rejuvenation
it offered me in my approach to the world

the possibilities it offered for seeing things
in a new way

and related support for re-engaging with a world
that even with a yogic disciplined beauty

i find i don't believe in anymore