Friday, July 8, 2011



i like the idea of a yogic identity
feels like a good fit to me

will it meet my desire
to generate a revolution in society

maybe not

but i wasn't getting far with that


celibacy is treating me well

i've given it all up
all the chasing and hoping

the dependency of my identity
and so on

what a relief
to let go of sex

i feel way more integrated
and even sexual

because i have realized now
what i am looking for

and it is real love
not adolescent sex

and that is an important distinction
for a 48 year old

already i meet more women
because i trust my own intentions

more completely than i now realize
i wasn't


sobriety suits me well also

i haven't been enjoying alcohol much
in recent years

just a big headache
slight nausea and blurriness

and never quite reaching any useful buzz

why bother

recently i saw twice how
it immediately brought a layer of foam

between me and my full presence
and i am no longer interested


staying clean as they say
has been useful

my dreams have returned
by the hundreds every night

bringing some richness
to my otherwise mundane life

yet still if i'm going to waver anywhere
this is likely the place

i don't miss the roughness in the lungs
or the loss of self-control

deteriorating gums and bad driving
losing shit

i miss the laughter some
easy company and better music depth

but mostly what i miss is the rejuvenation
it offered me in my approach to the world

the possibilities it offered for seeing things
in a new way

and related support for re-engaging with a world
that even with a yogic disciplined beauty

i find i don't believe in anymore

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