Saturday, August 25, 2012


Taking time for presidential politics is rather like walking out the door in the morning and stepping in dog crap. It is definitely best to be avoided.

I write nevertheless to clarify to my well-meaning liberal friends that I would never in a million years vote for as odious a ticket as the Republican offering of Romney-Ryan. That two such creeps could garner any public office at all is a testament to just how degraded the empire has become. It is almost enough to make me vote for the re-election of President Obama.

But not quite. I need to also point out to my friends that Obama has been the biggest disappointing sell-out in history. His course was obvious four years ago before the election when, after saying he would stand and fight the TARP bailout to the banks, he completely caved in and voted for the bailout. Subsequently, not billions but trillions of taxpayer dollars were sucked up by the already rich greedy banksters in the biggest transfer of wealth in history. No doubt this little maneuver punched his ticket to the presidency.

Among Obama's dubious achievements as president, two stand out. His fetish for utilizing predator drone bomber attacks is absolutely horrendous in its murder of innocent civilians, all of which gets so conveniently swept under the rug by both complicit media and fawning liberal supporters. It is also bad foreign policy, serving as a rallying point to unite America's enemies against such deadly bullying. It is in fact state-sponsored terrorism.

Even more revealing was the passage of the NDAA, authorizing indefinite detention of American citizens without charge. This blatantly unconstitutional act which should make any aware citizen shudder in its ramifications. Obama feigned disdain in signing it. Well, it was Carl Levin, of Obama's own party, who pointed out that the clause applying to American citizens was left in the act precisely because the administration demanded it.

Anyone who thus cannot subsequently see Obama's two-faced subservience to the powers of violence destroying the world has only themselves to blame. And I will not be a party to it. I will not vote for this man or for what he stands.

Keep in mind the bigger picture: presidential politics is a sideshow. Real politics happens every day on the streets and in the classrooms, between neighbors and in traffic, in every moment we are deciding how to treat one another, and what we stand for as people.

Effective politics also depends upon how much we are willing to educate ourselves as to reality. Do you really think 9/11 happened the way the government told you? Did you buy the entirely false news package about Osama Bin Laden's killing? Are you sure you know just what happened at Fukushima? Or at the shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin? If not, why not?

"An informed citizenry is the only true repository of the public will." Thomas Jefferson

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