Saturday, October 10, 2009

thought experiment

i have decided to attempt a conscious version of doublethink, which george orwell ominously described in the book 1984 as an intellectual compartmentalization allowing humans to hold two completely contradictory viewpoints in mind without apparent conflict

for i am quite convinced that the monetary system as it is in the world is indeed responsible for a great deal of the global misery of the human condition as well as the destruction of the natural world, and is therefore not as the new agers say just a neutral form of energy

one needs simply to look at the fact that inherent in the system there is more debt than can ever be paid back by whatever money is in circulation which sets up a zero sum game where we are all competing for a limited resource in order to meet basic needs, the system perpetuating itself only by the lag in payback time and the consumption of ever greater natural resources also known as growth


i have found that i have never changed anything by opposing it but rather by blessing it which sets up an odd situation where i must accept that even this human created global disaster is serving some divine purpose

on a selfish level i can no longer fight against my own needs for both freedom and security and even interdependence granted by the flow of resources allowed when i am able to participate unselfconsciously within the present system, as well as the relief to my very soul when i hold judgments generally in abeyance allowing me a broader capacity to love

for while it seems to me the concept that there are no have-to's is overly simplistic and potentially destructive, the unwinding of generational karma stimulated by my exposure to it cannot be discounted, indicating to me the notion is in the right direction


i am hoping to overcome the obvious sin of collaboration with the forces of violence in the world is to first remain humble enough to admit relative to God i never know enough to conclusively judge even the obvious

to also acknowledge that i would like and am completely ready to shift toward a joyful communal bartering or other just monetary system not based in what i see as debt and manipulation and suffering

and by blessing this impossible situation intend to call a just way forth in some small or large way with lightning-like


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