Monday, May 30, 2011


today i return to Spirit

i listen to native american music
on public radio

hear the drum
the traditional quality of the vocalization
its power

sandwiching shakti hayes folk style

parked on the street
windows open


i spent much of the day in relative flow
supporting my neighbros

and neighsisters

as they reckon with her first move
in some 15 years

and with a six-month old
and a broken foot

I feel such gratitude for
finding space in their lives

to hang out with a sweet shining
and generally very mellow soul

in the guise of an infant


i have recovered something today
something essential

reclaiming the space to be human
listening to bootsy collins

and all his genre-crossing funk
asking who told you to doubt


and in case you didn't know
gil scott heron passed this week

forerunner of rap by twenty years
letting us know the revolution

will not be televised


maybe it was the indigo sky
i only noticed

taking another breath
to slow down to the pace of others

maybe it was reading about one man's
speculation on the annunaki

and prehistorical manipulation
of the genetic code

maybe it was corresponding with several friends
with an insistence on inspired conversation

and in general taking a day off

maybe it was meeting a new family
whose four year-old immediately
wanted to play

or last night's dreams of flying motorcycles
and houses-becoming-airships

or the bruce lee book i saw today
or bootsy or shakti

or something else entirely


something happened to me

i don't have the words for


Sunday, May 29, 2011

functionally illegitimate

i enjoyed listening to urban contamporary music today
the discomfort of others, comments and complaints
tinged with the usual middle class racism

i like things out of the closet
and i would like to announce

i am not gay


the thing is i don't actually consider myself
straight in any way

it implies something too linear for me
to relate to

anyway the penicillin is helping the tooth battle
although there are still waves of pain
and moments of acute illness

worked a full day then painted four hours solid
now i have a couple days off to detox

but i wonder who i am


it was only a four day work week

but i have immense swings in energy
sleep 16 hours

or two

i am ready for the land
i have overwhelming moments during the day

my god what am i doing
i need to be outside on the Earth

yet i commit to a 3 month apartment
try one last push to get the health together

and a little savings

but like the rest of civilization
the last several thousand years

as symbolized by the cross

it was a sacrifice


i still don't know why

it's not my paradigm
donation is


potlatch: the organizing principle of an evolving civilized society
which was squashed by rather deluded europeans

empirical means both to understand things scientifically
and related to conquest and control

without seeking advantage
in some shapeshifting currency

we immediately connect to life when offered the opportunity
and when we remember the imperative to

contribute to life

there is no inflationary value
hence time is restored to its order

Saturday, May 28, 2011

remaining dream

alright then

i am playing hookey from
the kitchen paint job

i suppose i agreed to do
when i thought i could just roll through it

but it turns out i'm so busy
and so exhausted
and so stressed

and so on

i mean it's not okay to be sick anymore
to have an infected root canal
that needs to be ripped out

tooth and root

i'm a guy
i can still stand up
so i'm still supposed to paint


originally it was a straight five hundred a month
but i hesitated and then it went up on craigslist a day
before i agreed to it

by then landlady realized she could get 525
and she would be kind enough to rent it to me still
for five

as long as i painted the kitchen


usually i would as i say

roll through this bump
but i finally got the penicillin

which i hate taking but figure it's better to preserve the remainder of my skull's bone structure before the focal infection eats it all away

the pain yesterday was enough
so i got up and started in the middle of the night

and ended up with two hours of sleep
before another stupid work day

wondering if i will head back to tijuana
next week for another cultural adventure in modern dental care

or just go to the local guy who accidently jabbed a hole in my lip
within thirty seconds of me opening my mouth


either way
mortality looms

aging is to a great degree
a matter of toxin accumulation

and toxins are circulating baby

from gum infections and exhaustion
rage at the system and fluorescent lights
laser scanners and radiation in the atmosphere

not to mention the dental mercury and the root canal chemicals
and the trauma

here then we have explained
why denial is currently so fashionable

it is adaptive


libido barely hangs in
amidst prospects of a gaping hole in my head

where a tooth used to be
and penicillin joys for at least a couple weeks

i never adapted to the system you see
and now i am paying the price

i don't know how insurance works
i know this wage slavery is a scam

but i play the game still
try to salvage some sanity

access to dental care
choosing what and when i eat

and other pursuits


my good friend in san diego gets by
with fewer teeth but generally happier

than my other two closest friends
who are both so overwhelmed

that like me
they find precious few moments of respite

the times of catching up and feeling normal
are shorter and further between

the lengthening periods of chaos
car repairs and cycling too far to
jobs we are not sure we want

and that's precisely the problem
with inflation

one thing plies on the next
and it's a slippery slope

all the way

to an entire world i haven't agreed to
except perhaps under significant duress


11 pier parking lot
ocean beach, ca 9210B

is one place it is possible to retire
at least in moments

to have time for the waves
conversation and friendship

trips to the mountains
picnics in the park
music and sharing

it does call for taking a stand
against what is perhaps most accurately subsumed under

the violence of money

and FOR the liberating compassion of awareness
which turns on the benevolent power another friend calls

the electrical potential within every one of our cells

and here is the conversation
i somehow cannot find here within

the shrinking working class worldframe

the vision of the global picnic
it's in the waves


there is plenty to do
work and play all blend

yet it all remains fairly closely related
to a direct contribution to life

others' lives, one's own
the cosmic order itself perhaps

certainly it is better for the earth
to consume so much less

yet it is of course illegal to live in one's van
legally defined as sleeping outdoors

anywhere in san diego


well of course it is say the middle class
who i resent still

even as i dream of selling out at last
even though it is too late
there is no time left
and no way to
fit in

to a culture ten times more macho
and perhaps simultaneously feminized

than i ever could have been adapted to
in the first place

we europeans killed too many of each another
for too many centuries

to play these fucking unconscious gender games any longer


i am lucky though
i live in the world's remaining superpower

where every civility is crumbling
where if you're smart and wealthy enough

you have like the various scapegoats in nazi germany
already left

and i just hope to accidentally time some trip abroad
when the whole thing crumbles

will i be on a farm in france
denmark or argentina

i will likely own a bicycle and not much else
a fiddle perhaps

trading labor like every other serf in history
until i up and die

yet living until then at least

with that shred of integrity
of freedom

my remaining dream
of remaining human


with every day i hang on at tjs
i'm saving for it

one way or another i promise
i will prove to everyone

love matters

i have energy
for nary another


Monday, May 23, 2011

halfway to nowhere

i don't really want to go to the kiva
but probably will

i don't care to continue at trader joe's
but have committed to a place for the summer

i find the prospect of farming in Argentina daunting
but realize that is actually what i am organizing my life to do

assuming the pole shift
hasn't turned the world upside down by then


i want the romantic dream
a little permaculture cottage on ten acres

a trusted partner
and some like-minded communal journeyers

home and some beauty
but i guess i should go

gear up for the apocalypse


it's been an ongoing koan
for nearly a half century:

how to invest in a personal life
amidst times

calling for some shamanic transformation
the new ager in me says i came for

but which unceasingly destroys
what's left of



i have always done better when selling out
although there have been a couple of good rides

on the seeking side
the worst is always this

doing things halfway

Saturday, May 21, 2011


yes i am afraid so

it is the only topic worth writing about
since it is all that i think about
pretty much

good thing i at least mean it
in a fairly broad sense

eros as longing for the other
light seeking darkness
conscious seeking unconscious

and always
no matter what

seeking travel


i have just finshed my milk shake
here at the overpriced yuppie cafe
in yuppie nob hill

where I came after being bored to tears
by a non-eros party

and again in the broader sense
yet perhaps no less offensive

a whole lot of middle class
white folks sitting around
being boring

risking nothing
chitting and chatting
no one creating or proposing or seeking

this is obviously a direct reflection back to me
as i considered for several long hours

the need to become more practical
now that i am 48 and such

fuck that


it may also be a direct reflection
that i was just not interested in anyone there
in the stricter sense of eros

i have to confess the only gals i have regret about
are strictly the most beautiful ones

any what-if wondering i have ever had
is a completely shallow affair based on chemistry

weird how that is

i continue to recover from the hoax that was california
speaking of which

i moments ago realized that it was a trial run
to see how it would feel to be in love with someone

fairly consistently for six months or so
i liked it

i just want the whole manifestation now


it is amazing how many women i've pursued or dated
or been in various compromised positions with

the last eleven years
yet in only two cases

of approximately three months each
was i in any kind of consistent sexual relationship

i have to conclude from this
in order to not run screaming down the hall

that i must have a significant need for



i liked sarah a lot
she didn't bore me ever

she is so alive and full of inquiry
beautiful as the day is long

i miss her in moments
but not the insanity

of self-denial
trying to fit my needs into

those of the other guy
i am bigger than that

and far more intense


what is it like to be normal
to think like other people

to imagine you can cut your little corner
of the universal deal

to have a child and partially survive
your date with mortality thus

while the quality of life around the planet goes to hell
because of too many people becoming as unconscious

as i would if i were to choose to be a father
it would be all money all the time and

just accept the rest
there would be no time for eros

no less saving the world
like we are


i wish i had a great punch line
you can probably insert your own

oh well
i'm sure there's more to say

perhaps this:

the chi of the midlife crisis
need not be acted out to fruition

but it deserves at least the attention
it takes to harvest that overwhelming drive

and at least sublimate it
into something

it doesn't need to be a shamanic dimensional
achievement either

just maybe a rock band
or some dumb but beautiful thing

i can do while i'm here

Monday, May 16, 2011

how i found my callings


is a precious need for me
met yesterday


another and related

is the one that really completes

the circle

perhaps prayer then grows
the spiral


i get peripheral at stop signs

was my thought
as i careened down silver street

past other streets
as we seek to exchange secrets

like how european
and much of latin american culture

has it way over us

good food, quality of life
some connection to the Earth

no matter how small
is precioso



i am thinking with such a hard turn
a pensar en Espanol

i am not even practicing
i am just soaking it up


i'm sinking deeply into
my italian roots

i know it's all illusion
that i'm latin after all, right?

hence el decription de un Chileno
de los Argenitnos

un poco mas italiano
es muy interesante

y los lecciones aparecen


i hope to find my people there
of course

a little south of Aztlan

maybe they were the farm community
i saw on youtube

where they do contact improv

to beautiful music all day long



now my Chilean ex would have corrected me
after gritting her teeth listening to me

i guess i am reclaiming her
as my last actual girlfriend

i miss her insults
now i can thumb my nose

like a raging Maradonna
across mutually admiring borders


it's not a question of if
i go

it's a question of how
and when


it's good to find my people here too

i sat in with several bands yesterday
thinking each of them had invited me to join them

meanwhile those guys never made it onstage

played mando groove
to a songwriter viola duet

played violin on all out improv
along with a healing harpist who was

perfectly synchronized with electric bass

how can one just not shine at a benefit gathering
the benevolence was palpable

musically all i could think of

is Dios Mio
somebody play a ranchera!



my next song
albuquerque means there's always a headwind


i educate people by the way i ride my bicycle claiming the right of way on the new bike crossings for the benefit of all mankind



Sunday, May 15, 2011

dwelling in the Earth

well things are rolling
in the vision manifesting department

a friend is renting out his groovy sf apartment
above the barn on the ranch
with garden space and horses

and lama foundation seems very doable

there are verbal possibilities for nicaragua
and i am inventorying the argentina wwoof farms

now an offer from a friend
who can't take an available groundskeeping
slash gardening job on the north side of taos

and has passed on the contact

well well
that leave of absence thing

may come around soon


lots of good vibes at the benefit party
for a coworker today

jammed with a few folks
flirted with people

and had at least one person
really get into my playing

to see my passion
which was very satisfying

some very groovy moments
and a couple music contacts too

coulda used just a bit more attention to uptempo
a couple dance tunes for the latin

it was good to hone in on my need for staccato
nevertheless some very healing relaxing stuff

and fun to gather as a community


i manage the daily maintenance tasks
dogsits and vehicle registrations

effectively without dwelling too much on them

except to say i am sinking into the serious pluses
of owning a subaru in the mountains

found my first dirt road today
boy did that feel good

it is time to begin enjoying a long summer of

with options for fall beauty
and winter serenity

if i head just a tad north

or possibly another summer
if i head far enough


Saturday, May 14, 2011

empathy afternoon

I sat in my first NVC-oriented group in at least a couple months today, that is, nonviolent communication-related practice.

I feel relieved to reconnect with a state of being that is at once simple and profound. On the group level, I enjoyed a sense of togetherness in community free of conflict, where we are grateful for one another's presence. In terms of activity, I enjoyed contributing with my presence to another's energetic clearing.

The shared sense of humanity also offered a safe space for me to realize my own sadness at the recent relational disconnection in my life. It is strange to see that I have been hovering above this feeling, experiencing instead more guilt or worry or negative self-evaluation. I have also been more focused on strategizing about what to do or not do, to make contact or not, and with what kind of approach.

The forthright mourning of the disconnection offered instead a reconnection to myself, to my own experience. What a relief! How much energy have I unconsciously expended amidst a nervous system imagining it needs to do something for things to be okay?

I have noticed before how a few moments of empathy can unwind any craving for getting high, by providing a similar quality of safety and softness, yet with a much more grounded aspect.

It is also reassuring to have conversations with a common understanding about striving for consciousness and integrity--after accommodating other norms in the recent relationship experiences. There has been the romantic pull, with its various imperatives, and the self-consciousness of trying to be understood across a great divide of experience and intention.

Mostly there has been a single-minded attachment to strategizing--to taking action, proving affection, making it really happen, etc. While I had awakened to the craziness of the ethical conundrums involved in our particular situation, only today am I realizing the more fundamental trouble of being addicted to action. By dropping back into being with what is, I reconnect with a vast flexibility of options for meeting needs, for rest and recovery, self-connection and self-esteem, connection to others and fun, and so on.

Acceptance and consciousness had become vague new-agey personality flaws amidst an imperative to demonstrate appropriate virility and commitment. It is no wonder I was becoming so inept. Not only was I pitted against my own value system, I was seeking to become one-dimensional, an uber-lover unrestrained by the practicalities of age, energy, money, or the experiences of a lifetime. And so I was.

I have noticed before that quality empathy has generally proven far more satisfying than romance in meeting needs for love. The space of compassionate witnessing also supports reconnection to innate self-esteem.

It is good to come home.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


what is there left to say

the miraculous energy available to us
in every moment and manifestation
of Creation

nearly beyond words in itself

then painting through me
the most spectacular set
of synchronicities

far beyond the capacity
of my embattled conscious will

and flowering forth
despite my best three stooges imitation
of a man with a plan

or perhaps because of and through it

especially in the saving grace
of my firm commitment

(one bridge at least from this land to that)

to see something at last through
to its essence

Sunday, May 8, 2011


after yesterday's post
suddenly i found seemingly everyone i know
and a bunch of people i hadn't known

and enjoyed fabulous company
the entire rest of the day

from the starbucks corner gatherings
over a couple hours
to a friend taking me backpack shopping
to a beautiful crystal shop

all sorts of extracurricular activities
and learnings

improvised dance-like motions
and skipping along the way

then to a potluck jam
where i brought some collard greens
i had invested in at the coop for the occasion
and enjoyed five helpings of fabulous
vegan mac and cheese

it was good to play a bit
really good to hang out with friends

and begin healing
as i gather

i came out here
to restore my sanity

Saturday, May 7, 2011

just another day in OB

i am taking inventory
of the best times in my life

to see how they evolved
and how they subsequently dissolved

i thought i would take a time out
from the index cards and coffee drinking

to come to the OB library
and sit next to a man

having an in-depth personal conversation
with an invisible friend


i have been unable to find anyone i know today
so i've watched capoeira by the beach

stared at the waves a while
watched a mother and daughter negotiate boundaries

walked past my old house
chatted with a barista who likes to play drums

bought two cliff builder bars for a buck
said hi to a disturbed woman

who didn't remember meeting me yesterday
celebrated memories of the finest meal

i've had in a while
tuna fish and pea soup salad

over laughter with a good friend
in the landscaped courtyard

of the ritzy hotel in which
i once considered helping someone

cheat on her primary relationship


for more complete news
join us nightly at six and ten

now we return you
to your regularly scheduled


Friday, May 6, 2011


i wish i knew what to say

interesting vacation
breaking up with someone i wasn't with

but spent my last bucks to come see

after losing my journal
address book and phone

less than $20 for the rest of this vacation
means a friend's food supplies

and jack in the box i guess
but at least the hostel bed is paid for

probably won't even go to the music fest
i came to play in

since i can't afford to get in

anyone know where
there's a water fountain

around here

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

1000 miles away

i know most everyone is beyond blogging now
with twitter and facebook and all
but i will continue on
holding down this
now ancient

it was a stretch to get back out here to san diego this week, to spend my last couple hundred bucks on vacation, staying with friends and eating farmers maket samples, when my car back in burque is not even running and i still haven't even bought a toaster for my place

but i am glad to get away, burque has been a definite grind the last four months, and without the quality-of-life perks that make work worthwhile--such as a beach to jump in every afternoon after work, parks everywhere, beautiful people in minimal clothing, ocean misty wet goodness all around, new things to see, experimental entertaining people on ever corner kicking soccer balls and initiating conversations and on and on

i jumped under some 60 degree waves today, in the 80 degree sunshine, before and after hanging with friends in the hood, while i have great neighbors back in burque who let me hold their 6 month old son on the groovy porch, my community needs are so much more powerfully fulfilled here, among fascinating fellow travelers who share most everything they have including sleeping spaces and food supplies

the trick here is that there is so much more stimulus, it is easy to overindulge, i counted five distinct moments of invitation to get high today, and the day is not over yet, each offering that glimpse into deeper conversation and communion with one another and the beauty all around, and i passed all five times, but not without consideration

i passed because i find it too easy to slide down that slippery slope as i have again recently, into dysfunctional infrastructure, poor boundaries, and general moodiness

i am also realizing that is a major reason why things fell apart for me here in sd, it is sooo juicy to get high and trip out on the unceasing waves and musical inspirations and cosmic connections and paradigm shifting friends, yet i for one become too sensitive to those aspects of my life like work and money where there are stresses and interpersonal challenges and physical demands, and the temptation to let it go and just be in the sunny yumminess for as long as the money lasts becomes irresistable, especially with an entire subculture to encourage one onward

yet with this slightly bipolar brain, everything just gets too fat and there is no medicine for that, but abstinence or disappearance

to the mountains where you have to fight for every glimpse of the good life, and you get stronger even if you feel weaker, where people conserve energy rather than kick soccer balls and yell on streetcorners, and we save water too

where fulfillment is in loving oneself enough to give to others and that means a certain conservation, prioritizing nurturance and down time when off the clock, in order to acquire some of the meager resources available in the desert

whereas by the ocean the key is to always be a little lit, a little caffeinated, ready to jump into the moment of connection with another's opened eyes, and find the possibility of sharing and trading and gifting, smoke and sage and food, and a buck or some info and a place to stay

i guess for better or worse this begins to describe just why i am a lonely working class bastard bicycling to work in a windy dust bowl town where it rains an inch a year and people sell you cars that don't run

1000 miles away from most of life's fondnesses