Monday, May 30, 2011


today i return to Spirit

i listen to native american music
on public radio

hear the drum
the traditional quality of the vocalization
its power

sandwiching shakti hayes folk style

parked on the street
windows open


i spent much of the day in relative flow
supporting my neighbros

and neighsisters

as they reckon with her first move
in some 15 years

and with a six-month old
and a broken foot

I feel such gratitude for
finding space in their lives

to hang out with a sweet shining
and generally very mellow soul

in the guise of an infant


i have recovered something today
something essential

reclaiming the space to be human
listening to bootsy collins

and all his genre-crossing funk
asking who told you to doubt


and in case you didn't know
gil scott heron passed this week

forerunner of rap by twenty years
letting us know the revolution

will not be televised


maybe it was the indigo sky
i only noticed

taking another breath
to slow down to the pace of others

maybe it was reading about one man's
speculation on the annunaki

and prehistorical manipulation
of the genetic code

maybe it was corresponding with several friends
with an insistence on inspired conversation

and in general taking a day off

maybe it was meeting a new family
whose four year-old immediately
wanted to play

or last night's dreams of flying motorcycles
and houses-becoming-airships

or the bruce lee book i saw today
or bootsy or shakti

or something else entirely


something happened to me

i don't have the words for


1 comment:

  1. "There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down brothers in instant replay."

    "Save your souls from Winter in America."

    Monday had an element of transformation for many.

    It is what I am remembering.
