Sunday, August 9, 2009

poly poly poly pa pa

the title
as I'm hearing it

would be a fast ten

hold on:
make it a thirteen!

glad to hear world class physicists
have been as fascinated with this stuff

it's keeping me up again tonight
as I was trying to be work-responsible
and settle in for early sleep

while offering some gentle prayers for
housing clarity


an eleven beat measure occurs to me
stimulating a comparison
of elevens and twelves

broken down into twos and threes
leading to 33s and silliness

then I notice an hour has gone by
just trying to sort out where
the third of four beats
goes over an equivalent set of three

and then at some point
my brain just explodes
in some kaleidoscopic
weird triplet fiasco


of practical benefit
I'm hearing hoshos dueling with congas
in my new song now

the softer African groove part now may be
the main statement

and the harder theme
(perhaps more Cuban?)
the bridge

like runaway characters
writing their own way through a novel

there is some conversation
they are insisting on having


as spaz alluded to
there is some definite psychology to all this

beyond the individual
but definitely felt very personally

this stuff I imagine could make one crazy
with kundalini

but having already been there and back
it simply sets me on fire

it explains so much in its
complete lack of stasis

in a way I can't fully expound
but definitely in line with zen koans
paradoxes set up to obliterate rationality
by merging two irreconcilable movements

it resolves conflict
by putting it in the service of joy

of life


for the unexpressed math whiz
who coincidentally would rhythmically
chant or tap himself to sleep as a child

it may redeem something of this
wandered life

where so long I've just wanted to fit somewhere
but always found myself exploring
whatever was in opposition
to anything I was doing

check the resume


and practically speaking
the only person I know who would understand
this polyrhythmic fire
is up in Santa Fe

and commands a certain commitment
to be his student

he is now more available in some ways

now I understand on the inside
the profundity of the Shona tradition

can feel things now

and know what I want
distinguishing minanzi from other rhythms
through hosho and mbira study

supporting dance composition
while honoring the tradition for itself

I now understand the commitment
the music entails


it may mean I commute back up
to Santa Fe

as soon as I sign on for a place down here

this has happened to me before
more than once

part of a signature
a certain significant nature

generating acceptance and gratitude
in the long drives

odd housing arrangements
and short sleep

of a comedically conflicted clown

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