Friday, August 21, 2009

urban nonlinear at length

here at the internet cafe
simply to get out of the basement

all i want to do is hang out and drink beer and listen to live grunge music

life in albuquerque

playing with a thousand tunes and rhythms today
amidst the sudden onslaught of allergies
what the hell is wit dat

what's throwing pollen this time of year anyway
or is it just swine flu chemtrails

air is still as muck
and yesterday kind of suck

opposite-george dance night in santa fek
the pile of insecure beauties howling
amidst club music clubbing me in the head

makes me glad to be back in muttville
where we're all not so macho cool and beautifully precious
and there's serious hope for some mutual chemistry
with other flawed human beings seeking love and pleasure

i really wasn't pissed until the second beer with
the sf indian woman crowd

inculding her new lapdog
who seems nice enough
and shares her pretentious poser facade
i just don't need to see it all thanks
not unless you want me to get aussie on ya

on the other hand
there were a couple of very cool spanish dudes from the burq also at the table
who invited me to a serious brazilian drum jam Saturday

guess you gotta pay the dues if you wanna make the grooves

and it's right here in the slutty end of nob hill
where a classic dive has reopened under new name
restoring my faith in this town

and although already on four-to-five hour sleep averages
thanks to d***head landlord's ridiculously loud 4:30 am flute playing
on this my ostensible catch-up morning

i feel undeniably motivated to attend their 10 pm jam Saturday
which may mean an all-nighter
if things get gypsy and all

all of which bodes strangely for the coming week


in the meantime
i sort through celtic and rom fusion tracks
wondering how to cover the foreign vocals
maybe that becomes my mutt niche
singing in fifteen indigenous tribal languages
with enough passion and commitment to honor it all
that's the challenge right

maybe an annoying jam tomorrow with the tap princess
and slacker djembe man
maybe he can help more to honor the compositions
i'm generating

not much tolerance for egoic mediocrity i tell ya

maybe i just leave the 3 strings left on the guitar
after my lazy ass effort at a string change faltered
turns out i was able to compose 2 1/2 songs with the three string approach

confirming my deeply felt sense there are no mistakes
just spazzing out as we try to find our real rhythm

and the celtic and the gypsy are the two spazziest genres there are
the fingers just play with absolute abandonment of nervous control
until some rhythm is found within that
yeah baby dat

can't claim celt roots
but maybe the albanEse have something to say

even would've had a youtube vid up
if the sound on the mic wasn't crushingly defective
stop breaking things i tell myself

but i do anyway

today i can't find my belt
yesterday my recorder
two city commuting
from this odd trip to that

musician's arrhythmic life
piles of goods in the car
packs of wires and clothes
cases and strings and cds
where's the mic

drive-work-salad-nap-shona class-dance-beer party-drive-web-4 hour sleep-flute alarm clock
and repeat

more or less

shona class inspiringly obscure
that rhythm on nhemamsasa
can't tell what's up or down
not to mention three or four

yummy sweat

hope for camraderie
cuz when you're putting out
you need the releases to clear the tension

city ways

hopes for the groove life after all
maybe without caffeine it holds together better
i'll miss it but not the headaches

small cups once in a while

da gnome

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