For whoever is still reading, I offer this: be kind to yourselves. The world is in bad shape. And as the elders have always pointed out, it is a precise reflection of nothing more than our collective moral debasement. Yet paradoxically, the first step in improving matters is to forgive ourselves.
We have all come up short. You, me, the monk who has dedicated his life to rice bowl begging in order to hold the space of benevolent meditation 24/7 on a mountain in Tibet. JFK and ML King came up short. Kucinich, Ron Paul, Noam Chomsky and David Icke have come up short. Your favorite guru has failed to turn around the deterioration of civilization.
The problem appears to be this: we have not found power greater than that of guns and money. There are wealthy manipulators of global currency who have been responsible foremost for the current state of affairs: an endless sham war on terror heaped on top of the impoverishment of the vast majority of the world. Depleted uranium explosives are launched by the tons into Libya now, to protect the populace? To oust another bad guy like Saddam, for whom a million people were murdered?
No--it is, in my opinion, because Libya has one of the few state banks left backed by gold reserves, which means it does not kowtow to the ponzi scam of American greed and those supporting the New World Order. Soon it will be taken over by the World Bank, its oil and gold repossesed, and its economy flooded with worthless US paper dollars.
I for one am sick to hell of the New World Order. Nuclear reactors blowing up, endless wars based on absolute lies, zero media accountability, a completely corrupted government, and economic ruin everywhere. We Americans have not begun to suffer yet what we will if the overlords plans are not thwarted. We are being set up for internment camps, and indefinite detention without cause and without a shred of civil rights.
I would say the current drive to totalitarianism will put the Nazi machine to shame. But that would be misleading, because these are the very same people. The CIA was founded with the support of thousands of Nazi war criminals smuggled out of Germany at the end of the war through Operation Paperclip. NASA was as well. FEMA, the IRS and the Federal Reserve are all unconstitutional shadow government organizations in support of the same power. The last president who sought to get rid of the CIA was Kennedy. Are you getting the picture?
If not, try this one on:

This charming familial portrait shows a young George Bush Sr., center, in a German Navy uniform. Bush was involved with CIA covert operations from its inception. In front of him is Reinhard Gehlen, a prominent Nazi officer who was released by US authorities to form a CIA-proxy organization in Germany, which subsequently fomented decades of Cold War with compromised intelligence reports. To his right is the blond Martin Bormann, described as second in power only to Hitler, and responsible for the establishing the program of Jewish mass murder. Like many other Nazis, he may have survived to South America after the war.
To Bush's left are his parents and behind them, Otto Skorzeny, Hitler's primary bodyguard, from whom this photo came. He participated in clandestine CIA activities around the world after the war. Skorzeny reported that he assisted in the murder of Nikola Tesla, in order to bring the power of his Tesla Wave inventions under the control of the CIA-NWO shadow government. This is the origin of HAARP technology, to which some researchers attribute recent acceleration of environmental disasters across the globe.
One might ask what the future US President was doing in such company. This would ignore the fact that Bush was the first public figure to describe the coming New World Order, in a speech given on September 11, 1991. Whatever is going on, he has been in it up to his eyeballs for his entire life.
Lest I forget, directly behind Bush, beaming the geekish smile, is none other than the Nazi whose very name is synonymous with inhumane torture, the notorious Dr. Josef Mengele.
It is time we found a Greater Power than this.