Tuesday, August 2, 2011

4500 miles qualifies as getting out of dodge

now there's nothing left to say

i am here and there is nothing left in this town
except its ease

spiritual community matters
but here in the poor state

the concept just shines a spotlight
on the wretched underpinnings

comfort and security


aztec dances and dusty organic farms
amidst wage slavery

people here are simply hardier than me
soon i will have enough money

to just go away again
smoke weed and busk perhaps

burrow deeper
in newly-generated hiding places

until the world finally consumes itself

like a snake eating its own tail
the system will fall

will it be a nuclear conflagration
or a barbed-wire totalitarian trip

back in the day
there were no guns

and someday again there will be none
the question is whether

there will be humans


every place is so different
in indiana there is no armageddon

enough land and community
that there is sanity

in past lives
it was just the threat of drudgery

needing to be kept at bay

here though
there is ever an urgency

so what i channel when i write
is the energy of those 2000

nuclear warheads buried
but a few miles away

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