Wednesday, August 3, 2011

time's up

i like wearing shades in public now
i'm moving to santa fe

and the veil bewteen the worlds
is very thin

enlightenment opportunities abound
the synchronicities are so ridiculous

the suffering so immense
i simply can not afford the delusion any longer

that of projection


fortunately time's up
there is not much more to say or do

money has eaten everything
i choose the unwinding

holding the psychic capacity to think
and to meditate

the last and only freedom
i will ever have is my breath

soon i will be more in nature
that is all i know

1 comment:

  1. On return trip, you can always stop in Wisconsin. I'm going out to hear the Hobo Nephews of Uncle Frank in Neenah on Friday night. Am enjoying fresh local produce from my CSA, Whitefeather Organics. Don't miss this chance to see Wisconsin in the summer.
