This is the view from the front porch, as the sun sinks toward the mountainous horizon and another workday draws to a close.

Chilo is handwatering the newly planted pepper and parsley seeds. Because of the rocky terrain, we simply dug holes at about a 2 ´spacing and planted directly into the soil, which should have enough organic matter to support the plants.

Obed is playing with toys, here exploring gravity´s effects on a plastic cow he is trying to throw up into the clouds.

The horse has free reign of the finca, and enjoys finding new areas to graze each day.

Watering one of the semillas plantado en los hoyos (seeds planted in holes).

The dogs have found one of their favorite treats, a stray bunch of platanos (bananas). Chilo tells me they have distinct preferences among the four types of bananas grown on the finca.

Chickens are watched these days as they stray toward newly planted gardens.
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