in this chapter of the OB saga
and a saga it has been
joyful and adventurous
this moment reminiscent
of new warrior weekend rituals
yet this time at the church
when the big soup pot was carried in
on a wet december saturday morning
reverence did not need to be feigned
albuquerque is a quiet place
relative to OB
one can sleep like a baby here
with the comfort of metallic protection
and a familiar old neighborhood
i highly recommend the southern route
for anyone traveling this way or that
the extra half hour
saves you all the stress of flag snow
phoenix insanity and those long mountain curves
plus offers the beauty of the chiricawas
where pink and powder blue sunsets
delighted me for what seemed like hours
i arrived with $10
and about 4 gallons to spare
enough to likely get me up the hill
for a santa fe christmas with old friends
if i somehow don't blow it all
on juicy tempting irresistable breakfast burritos
either way it is amazing how abundant one feels
the less one has
orlando said it best
and i trust is still is saying it to his jailers:
less is more
i am in love with the world
and that is the whole point of the saga
i am grateful beyond words
to my mentors on this journey
for i am quite convinced
we are all headed down this road
here at the end of civilization
where the struggle has been long:
when the money runs out
what we find is not that we are crushed
but rather liberated
to the true choices we face
now as a global community
of human BEINGs
without the separations of our mortgaged compartments
and dwindling accounts
free now to care for one another
my arrival here and now
is marked by a relaxation deeper
than i can describe
yet one feature begs to be declared:
i hadn't realized the catch
i had been living with for decades
a protective control worrying every move
projecting threat from authority
and other bullies
from a place near my physical core
a gripping that would arise in reaction
to all encounters
in the center of my belly
stopping the breath long enough
to generate the adrenalized fearful anger
destroying so many relationships
and too many of the moments
which this life grants
i have seen 47 summers pass
how exquisite to at last realize
there is nowhere else i need to go
to break open this heart
into the unimagined splendor
of every moment here on this Earth
after tenderly moving an earthworm
out of harm's way amidst the growing soup line
my bliss overflowed into tears
as the organizer of that last OB meal
quoted scripture from the back
of their christmas pancake breakfast sign
a verse i had not before heard:
love never fails