Monday, May 25, 2009

hernia-healing and other current events

just moments ago
I realized I have a hernia

I knew my back was out
and sometimes these things go together
in the splendor that is the male human body

I suppose it's personal info
but so be it
I am a person

(and why do I continue to pursue
this penchant
for writing in threes?)


the hernia I will heal
as I have healed before
as the back
as the wrist
as the knee
the shoulder even

I have either torn
or broken
pretty much everything I have

so that my body is now completely
even in its traumatization
and this has the surprising effect
of energizing the chi

(all I got left?)


yes I have endured numerous
a nearly infinite number
of injuries

each of which would have put
I would say 90%
of others in the hospital
for surgery

and yes I feel quite macho about it
I guess hernias are macho too
its a bizarre aspect of my personality

(cursedly blessed I suppose
we Italians
and who could have envisioned a paisano in this


I just called the current love interest
we both seem quite happy to be getting to know each other
and both of us would enjoy spending more time together

so that's fun
feeling a ton less attached today
I figure to go back and forth a while

and then she'll find a lover
and things will finally be clear to me

(perhaps I should edit more?)


ah yes the hernia
already feeling better

I made myself laugh
with my own foolishness
such a gift I have to entertain myself

and laughter is very healing

(now to work on the back!)

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