Friday, April 29, 2011

aikido sucks

my stuff's a mess
my car's not legal

exes are circling
in order to sneer at me

or through a third party
reminding me of their disgust


my car's named gangsta
things are just broken in a certain way

karma is in the air
processing sibling issues

with a near stranger
and seeking to match subpersonas

with a lovely gal
living with someone

a thousand miles away


acquisition of the gangsta
allowed memories to rise

of being bullied in childhood
maybe i'll take up aikido

i hate aikido


i am a boor
an italian hillbilly

i just can't take this culture anymore

let me farm far away
from the circus

this stunning unreality
of so many

and if you are watching
the wedding

i am not speaking to you either

Thursday, April 28, 2011

predictably else

i am utterly hopeless

a ridiculous middle aged man
with such a young man's curiosity

about everyone
i can barely think


not every day is fabulous
but things are working out

for the best
the world is collapsing

and all is being revealed
in its true beauty


i saw today how horrific Life is

its like those shamanic dismemberment

we are frankensteins all
yet we find each other beautiful

and beyond this wonder
there is the utter Dinive compassion

that is implicit in transforming
initial carnivorous brain-eating activities

into sex
and that is Creator as Goddess


my essential calling is empathy
at which i am most gifted

and an utter failure
fortunately i generally get to try again

after i nearly launch myself
a wolf at someone's jugular

that vein running to
our big fat heads


really it's all the world needs from me
ecology heals itself believe it or not

although She sure must appreciate
collective loving intention

cosmic machinations

and grand manipulations are work
for others further along

i'll hold the job and feed the kids
or something

Monday, April 25, 2011

in general

what is the day's conversation?

how much fear is in the world
how much suffering and projection

illness and self-deceit?

i think not


i am in the cafe
which i find has an especially excellent vibe

on an anonymous monday evening

there is some awesome languid music on
trippy yet danceable

middle eastern type grooves
and a lovely female voice lilting through

i am also noticing all the summery green
bursting into notice-me life

all over the hood


i was wondering if this one was going to make it


the system is tangibly crumbling
before our very eyes

all i can think about is
where to move next

or leave-of-absence

wwoof through some exotic land

if it's all gonna blow soon
i want to be out of the way

and already in an improvisational


relationships are almost completely random now
one day i'm in this one

the next that one
but no one dare call such behavior


no that would be somehow too unrealistic
or immoral or idealistic

my amor happens to blend with
my idealism it is true

and with friendship and compassion
and the Earth

so sue me

funny thing explaining that to people
cuz then i say

i am looking for my Beloved

further baffling the situation
of course

baffling raven


i could move to argentina

that is for sure
a chileno told me today

that argentina is rooted in
italian culture

a fact heretofore
dimly perceived

i think wwoofing is likely
burque has its moments

but like much of america
increasingly random weirdness

life at the end of empire


i don't need much
a comfortable bed

something useful to do with my day
and occasional home cooking

something interesting enough
to be beautiful

like a tree

someone to care about
and someone to care about me

in any given moment
i'm up for either


i think people seek solace in these times

a woman is the whole world
all her landscapes and seasons

and that is why love
is so perfect

of course it takes work to be happy
there are a million forms of love

from empathy to
chasing an ice cream truck

i just want to be as loving
in relationship

as i am to friends
and strangers

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

stamina for the bliss

what else can i say about suffering and bliss
yesterday lovely, today just hard

i have talked enough about the story of my day
tomorrow i bike to work across town at 5 am

ain't no time for a toothache
so forget that

i crave comfort


i still am homeless in a way

tried to upgrade from the van
to a sedan today

get mobile toward more road trips west

and it's all broke
so i'll carry on try to fix it whatever

it's a strange world
but i try to take things less personally

win some lose some
it's all a sacrifice anyway


am grateful to be gathering some meaning

about how complex it is
to drop back into the system

after dropping out
even momentarily

health care coverage
a ride

and everything else that matters

so corrupted by profiteers
as to squeeze the space for being human

for maintaining community

staying alive


home matters
knowing where things are

community matters more

prayer matters
maybe most of all

and doing the things that keep our souls alive
amidst the schlock

including contributing to someone
something better

than all this


remember this life is at least
as full of wonder and heaven

as it is this hell and drudgery
look at the trees

still blooming just so
with barely a drop of rain in four months

hear the birds
find your breath

it may be all we have
it is enough


there is bliss after despair
so let us develop

stamina for the bliss

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

OB Community Garden pics


Rod with volunteer eggplant

Rod's cauliflower

a neighbor's prizewinning plot


Monday, April 18, 2011

All and Nothing

i have it all now

i sit with my bloggy blog at the neighbor's
where I am housesitting

and where I planted a garden
of sorts

last week


comfortable furniture
feet up

warm summer breezes blowing through
open doors

all night
reminding me of the sublime joy

which i somehow forget about
until they come around again:

summer nights


got here by riding my bike
took three routes so far I think

to feed the rabbit and pick up mail
guess about the age

of the food in the fridge

say hi to the neighbors
now three generations worth in the house

nice folk


my overwhelming desire for love
is out of control

but at least I have been gifted
with the most beautiful countenance

on the Earth
on which to occasionally gaze

and for this and nothing more
i am satisfied


in a certain sense I couldn't be happier
even if lost with my beloved

amidst ten thousand golden wildflowers
in full bloom

and the softest pink and powder
blue sunset over the pacific

with waves crashing below us
high on the cliffs

Friday, April 15, 2011

there is no time

how futile everything is

this was the thought passing through approximately every other breath, as i waited in the longest line of humanity ever assembled

then i'd remember to breathe and let it go, remembering that we are all doing time, and that two or three hours standing in the tijuana sun was an opportunity to practice meditation

but what a waste of human potential, not to mention the effect on people's esteem, to have to wait for hours while the man deems whether you are worthy of passing, whether you are safe, whether you have the right papers...

oh yeah, breathe, let it go, for i am gifted with this experience of life in this moment

it is hot, i have no sombrero, and my receding hairline offers new patches of head to the sun to burn

emptiness reminding me of zen emptiness of breath

my feet hurt after walking three hours through the concrete jungle, northward from the dental office on a self-guided tour

breathing, noticing the wider field of humanity again, the colors and shops and disabled folks coming by the line to sell chicle for change

my back hurts and I crouch a moment, noticing no one else ever crouches down, maybe that would mean giving in just a bit too much to a desire for comfort that never comes

this is the condition of humanity, is it not: we are all waiting in line, and time for all practical purposes has--as the Mayans predicted--stopped

there is no hope whatsoever, and once it settles in, this is a blessing also, for there is only this


I probably took longer to cross the border than most of the other thousands of souls caught on the wrong side of the fence that afternoon

because before entering the standing line, i paid $5 to sit in a van of 15 people that got stuck in traffic and didn't move an inch for over an hour

feeling a tad claustrophobic, I bailed for the experience of the line, but not before hearing the driver respond to a fellow passenger's query as to how long it would take

he answered simply:

no hay tiempo

Thursday, April 7, 2011

these days

i've begun to make plans to scurry along
in a southerly direction

with priorities for the summer/fall suddenly
amazingly clear

more on specifics as they evolve


the side benefits of setting goals
also showing themselves:

1) i kowtow less at work
and at the same time probably work harder

and enjoy it more
knowing i am not there for life

2) aware of the transience of my time here
i enjoy the passing moments more

my evolving routine of afternoon cafe internet snacks
and then on home for some time on the groovy porch

where i will sometimes find the pleasant company
of neighbors

and a baby with quite a stare
whose presence i enjoy

3) my energy is better

focused on an evolving sensible plan
which not only organizes things

according to the tasks it calls for

but organizes my mind
according to the principles
i will be putting into practice

and stimulates my curiosity
at seeing how they work out

4) it allows a freedom of movement
wherein other interesting projects
may open up in the meantime

like helping remodel and otherwise contribute
to the new Comienzos transitional home in June

like another song that came through yesterday

like the collards and shiso i planted yesterday
before today's surprising rains


the plan is both doable
and meets needs on levels of

growth, adventure, political sanity,
contribution, safety

and a host of other existential biggies
that have been flopping around too long in my head like desperate fish

like the gains we inherently make
amidst an authentic conversation

with the Earth


for now i walk to Hyder Park
where I am becoming a regular

walking barefoot in loops around the grassy park
perhaps the simplest chi kung there is

it opens up my head so sweetly
especially when i meditate on the green and trees

to the point that i don't even recognize
the corners of the park passing anymore

people really like the park
a couple days ago i watched a young mom

dancing with an improvised artistry
with and next to her infant girl

around and around with arms outstretched
then tumbling on the ground and so on

all with a freedom
i found unconventionally beautiful

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

shinto tree rant

there are different meanings
for all the important words
in the English language

land of fifty stars
promising the completion
of the kototama long walk through history


there is kanagi order honesty
guided by the dim light of 24 unfolded capacities
likely the minimum by which we may remain alive
albeit unsustainably as the material scientific way
is proving to be

this is the honesty of the bushes
stating i am honest
and then believing in some part of themselves
it must be true

while the split off parts of their personalities
are then free to manifest whatever distortions may arise
from the repressed energies of all their unmanifest capacities

for from where else but such separation
could such stupidity as greed and war
in the face of global catastrophe arise?


there is sugaso order honesty
guided by 32 lights

enough moonlight to witness the suffering
caused by the injustice
of spiritual principle ever ironically misfitted

with the lower desires ever driving the ship
why oh why we cry out

does God never come through
on the big stage

giving us a job
or a pat on the back

why doesn't he cure my illness
or rewrite the headlines on the Times

once in a while?


and there is futonolito order honesty
which one is not supposed to speak about

in order to not offend
God and the ancestors

or maybe just
the worm-selves and cocoon-selves
we so often are

or maybe to not mix up the projected magical unfoldment of our full repertoire of fifty sunlit capacities

with the grossness of our current energetic signature

but as the most arrogant person on the planet
at least so far as all my former imaginary girlfriends are concerned

i'll just say this


both I and the Earth
the old man and the sea

are fucking tired
of all the shitty pretenses

and some day soon
there will be something to say yes to

and the trees will bend to our will
and we will likewise

bend to theirs

the value of honesty

to me it seems

honesty is not so simple a value
as is first assumed

it calls for effort

for honesty is a moving target
part and parcel of a life-based system

rooted in growth


one cannot say
oh this is how i feel right now

and claim honesty

or believe that by stating
i am an honest person

that it is so

there must be also
some awareness of the field around oneself

affected by the capacities
we are choosing to unfold

or not


by becoming aware of one's own values

those active in the very choices
one is making

we are granted
an integrity within ourselves

it is from this
it seems to me

actual honesty


the value of honesty
is in its unmistakable inspiration

the breath of fresh air

graced us
by the moment of courage

to face ourselves
as we are

with neither judgment
nor the comforts of our addictions

it offers us
a journey forth

blazing new pathways for ourselves

which prove
simultaneously ancient in time

broken branches and toxic slurries
are a reflection of no matter

for honesty is nothing more
than an intention

to walk in the wilderness
of whoever we are


there is not much more to say
but thank you

for reminders of how relationships are sometimes
for the thrill of the rush of libido

and all the ego attachments
that seem so obligatory

it is not sex
i ever even wanted from you

just honesty
but then sex was strangely a possibility

while honesty was apparently
too much to ask

Monday, April 4, 2011

being peace

i have decided i enjoy more
living with a positive attitude
however realistic such optimism may prove

as part of my consciousness practice

negativity doesn't serve me
no matter how realistic


so last night i prayed simply
for the first time in a while

it felt very good
i had felt at the end of my rope
for a few days

stressed over the world
and personal matters

with a jackal attached

i slept well
and woke refreshed
for the first time in days

maybe weeks


sleep is important
so is proactivity

there is a subtle Universal law
that moves around sometimes

which states unambiguously
that the state of my consciousness matters

as do my choices
(despite all programming to the contrary)

in determining what is created
on this Earth


i found this space of consciousness today
enhanced by momentarily losing it

yet having committed to a meditation
whereby I was going to remain conscious

I was able to reconnect again
in the next breath


consciousness for me along with this meditation
also calls for observing the reality "out there"

and therein lies both koan and solution

twice today while riding my bike
make that three times

and once after arriving at the cafe

i felt an adrenalinized reaction to others' behaviors
an anger at what i was projecting was others'

unconscious aggression

one of the times
i heard a jackally label

enunciating itself under my breath
toward a car driver


somehow i remembered
to move on to the next breath

and thought

it could well be a kinesthetic sensitivity
to the shift in my sense of well being

that woke up my desire to choose
the next breath

or prayer energy
or the grace of empathy practice

all of which are related


I simply remembered
that essential lesson of proactivity:

I am in charge of how I respond to the world!

I may be bone tired
but as long as I am alive

and possibly beyond that
I have a say

I have this moment
to awaken


with the choice
to return to consciousness

a lightness came over me

and I was able to immediately
see things differently:

oh - this and this happened
and i don't need to take it personally

and that changes everything for me
it's the same for dealing with jealousy

possessiveness and any other projection
we might stumble into

oh that person had their thing going on
a need for this or that

freedom or self-expression
ease and flow

amidst a world that is more crowded
than it was when i was growing up



there are gravy bonuses to this movement
the empathy that arises

in realizing that i have the same needs
and was right in the same field as they were

wanting to assert myself in motion
on the road

different strategies to meet a similar need:
me on the bike, they in their motorized vehicles

don't need to lead to conflict
yet it takes a nearly polyamorous appreciation

of the Beloved in others
to reach this quality of empathic satisfaction

in everyone

or in other words
loving one's enemies

and thy neighbor as thyself


there is more
utilizing that adrenaline

by appreciating the chi it stirs up
enjoying it

allows us to grow in our stature
literally in our posture

an immediate momentary yoga
transforming aggression into joy

i think this practice is somewhat familiar
to dominant people particularly

yet it certainly can be done
even more fulfulling-ly

with benevolent intention
toward the greatest good
for all


when i observe some of the novel unfoldments
on the Earth

consciousness is an important practice

in the face of radiation increases
the insanity of wars that haven't ended

blatant greed and corruption
like the marketing of water

and massive mortgage document forgeries
forcing unjust evictions

to name but a couple

we can continue to develop our practices
to expand just that much more

the space available for spiritual transformation


and it is this which is the nut
the kernel driving it all deep inside for me

and satisfying my deepest need for
contribution to Life

amidst the seeming immensity of this work
no overwhelm reaches us

for like turtles in the longest of journeys
we arrive on time

remembering to love others

that it is a good day to die
and live

and are reconnected
to a world

that much more beautiful
and reborn

in a smile

Friday, April 1, 2011

funk and soul

this writing feels almost like a lifeline now
a moment of form amidst the chaos

although i suppose this is why i have journaled so many years

who to call? what to say?
there is just massive confusion and need

it's a vonnegut world now
veering into orwell


So i clip a guy's mirror with my fat ass van on silver just now. I am just so stunned i can't believe it. What to do? I pull around the corner into a lot to think.

Catalepsis. Vonnegut taught me this word: I am reduced to a place i mentioned brushing up against a couple posts ago. I cannot move in any direction. There is no future, no way forward.

If I do the responsible thing...what exactly is that now? Blood sugar dropping--on fumes already heading to flying star, getting stuck at intersections because i can no longer get the car into gear...clutch and try one, again, three,, finally it slams in...

How long have i been sitting here? Is anyone watching? Guess I'll wander back and see if there's damage, that seems responsible, right? Something to do anyway. My initial inclination is actually to blow it off. The world's such chaos anyway, I doubt anyone is watching, the SUV owner's obviously richer than me, and none of this really just happened anyway, right?

If I ignore reality, I can hang on in this society a little longer, right? That's the game, right? Radiation isn't spilling everywhere, the EPA isn't trying to raise exposure standards 1000-fold, those aren't chemtrails, the government isn't collpapsing, they didn't launch tons of depleted uranium into Libya in another unconsitutional war, right?

I'm saving zero dollars, I need a vehicle, I need to move June 1, work is deeply uninspiring, at least the aching tooth quit freaking on me...where was I?

Oh yeah, I drive on down the block to get some food, seems as reasonable as anything...something else to do anyway. But even a few steps out of the van, I'm like, nope I gotta go leave a note and pay for the mirror. I can deal with a lot of stuff, but my conscience is kind of a sacred matter, one of those few areas left. I may not have managed my health very well in recent years, my emotions, my career path, my relationships, work, or much else really.

But I have done my best to be true to some bizarre internal compass, one that has granted me little favor in this life, that shred of morality that doesn't let me cheat with someone in a relationship, and that causes me endless angst reckoning with my own ineptitude in the face of the totalitarian onslaught I can neither ignore nor do anything about

But at least I can do this. So I get an Odwalla at the co-op and headed back to do the right thing. And so it goes.


I'm not proud of my behavior, I am relieved. I'm a shitty denier of things, of compartmentalizing my shadows. So I feel better even walking back toward the SUV, past an older woman to whom I mention what I beautiful day it is. It could be my last moment on Earth for all I know. But it does take on a beautiful zen quality, here in the urban grit of a city in which it hasn't precipitated since I returned over three months ago.

I can't sort out the thousand things rolling around, conflicted, in my mind and the world. But I can put one foot in front of the other in the afternoon sunshine. Face whatever this unexpected contact will bring. And I leave the note, feeling grateful I haven't betrayed the only thing I have left.

I make gallows humor at work about the new combination of universal serfdom and environmental condition. Instead of picking ticks off of our loved ones after slopping through the mud all day as in the Middle Ages, maybe we get to pull off bits of one another's tumorous growths, after we get home from our futureless postmodern jobs. Aside from a romance in a dozen ways unrealistic, there is nothing left for me to care about. Planting a few trees maybe, if I'm lucky enough to be permitted to abuse my body in that way. Random moments of empathy interrupting the automation.

I may head south soon, far far south--or maybe not, there's plenty to consider. But the moment's reflection amidst smashed mirrors is, maybe--like the guy I used to work with who was so miserable in his marriage, he used to go to bars and get into fights because his said he felt better when he got punched in the face...or the dog who leaves his droppings obnoxiously in the middle of the walking path--I was unconsciously looking for any quality of contact. Maybe the SUV owner was the exact person I needed to meet.

I do know that dog, his name is Storm, and he lives in my yard.

Me, I am Clumsy Raven.